Art, as the famous writer Dan Brown quoted in his book "The Da Vinci Code", "Art is man's attempt to imitate the beauty of the Creator's hand". Although, art is associated with paintings and drawing. However, art is a diverse medium encompassing a wide range of forms. Art can be attempted through different methods, techniques and mediums, such as photography, music, architecture, sculpture, writing and many more, depending on that person's skills, abilities and preferences. That is to say, I plan to explore the different mediums of art other than drawing and painting in these texts.
Let us start with Photography. Among all other forms of art, photography is relatively new. However, it is currently one of the most famous art forms, coupled with its convenience thanks to technology. As a result, everyone now owns a phone with a decent enough camera. Photography has enabled people to express themselves and capture the beauty around them. But digging deeper, we can see various art pieces captured by many famous Photographers. Photographers create various works by abstractions of different concepts or by simply roaming around and capturing different moments. As renowned photographer Sam Abell has said, "Essentially, what photography is is life lit up."
Now, we move on to Music. Music has existed since ancient times. The presence of Music can be seen as far back as the documentation of history. On a technical level, Music is the combination of vocals or instruments or both combined to form harmony. Alternatively, a famous writer, Kahlil Gibran, said, "Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.". Music is considered to have no language, regardless of the language it is written in. This is the beauty of Music; no matter which language it was written in, you can feel the emotions embedded into the song by the composer. In essence, music has enabled people to express their feelings where words fail. Moreover, Music has helped people dive deeper into their emotions and see life differently and more beautifully.
Moving on to Architecture, from designing to forming a structure, is what we know as architecture. However, people generally don't consider architecture an art form. But the reality is different. Architecture is no less of an art form. Architecture is a classical form of fine arts and has always been strongly associated with the art world. Furthermore, Art represents a culture to the world, and architecture does just that. Architects embrace the place's culture while designing murals, structures or buildings. Here are some examples. For this reason, architecture can be considered the canvas of a culture for the entire world to see. A renowned architect, Frank Gehry, said, "Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness."
And finally, Writing may be the only art form we all have experienced, even if it was for once. Writing has a certain serendipity that is hard to achieve through other art forms. Moreover, writing is independent of skill or experience. Gustave Flaubert has said, "The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe". If you have ever written anything, you will agree to the above. Hence, people can easily express themselves and their imagination regardless of whether they are a novice or an experienced writer. Writing enables us to go into a whole different world, our own world created by us for us. Many famous writers have created worlds, if not universes, through their writings for us to explore. Not only that but writing also carries the ability to move people and change people's perceptions. Aldous Huxley has said, "Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly -- they'll go through anything.". Additionally, Writing can save people. Holding back emotions can cause depression, and writing can help those people by enabling them to express what they feel. Hence, Writing may be one of the most influential forms of art.
To conclude, art is an essential aspect of our lives. Clearly, art influences us greatly. Without art, our lives would be bland and colorless, void of any individuality. Therefore, through these art forms, we can express our individuality, explore human creativity and connect with people of different cultures and languages. Art isn't merely a form of entertainment but an essential representation of our lives, society and humanity. Like Banksy, a famous artist, said, "Art is the greatest form of hope.".
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